Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Architect: Intelligence Designer or Humanity Suppresser

As the Wachowski Brothers would like the viewer to believe two things, that the Matrix Trilogy was original and that Neo was the “chosen” one. He was supposed to deliver humanity to freedom. The prophecy was kind a made up by the Architect to keep humanity on their toes (no one understands why).

In the first movie Morpheus and the rest of the pirates explain they cannot release all of humanity from their so-called prison because some of the older ones would mentally and physically break. So, by the end of trilogy we as the viewers are supposed to be rooting for humanity, and the deaths of millions, maybe billions.

Cyper acting like Judas in the first movie, the only difference instead of pieces of silver, it is a steak and ignorance. He regrets being released from the warm embrace of the Architect. Ignorance is not always bliss, but in this case Cyper is right. He did not really know what Morpheus was getting him into.

At the time my friend said, “ignorance is bliss” in this case. Look at the world, as humans know it. This is not a world where they can start farming and live grand lives as humans expect to live. At the time freedom, could be the only choice.

Lets look at the relationship between human and computer in the Matrix. It is a symbiotic relationship. Humans help out the computers for energy and the computers offer humans a suitable place to live along with all the nutrients needed. The Matrix not only allows a suitable place to live, but allows for the chance of fantasy and science fiction to be part of the world.

Granted, you might say that the computer world does infringe on some natural rights with in the matrix and outside of the matrix, but with the reconciliation at the end of the so called war between the two fractions, humanity will get the natural rights needed to live in peace.

Agent Smith even said that there was a utopian society built for humans, but humanity could not just have things on a sliver plate. The Architect in reality is just another type of higher entity that would support intelligence design hypothesis.

Some of the nay sayers might point to that the whole reason of Neo and the prophecy and the chosen one is just another way to keep the humans back. Well, I have to disregard all of this, because it was just bad plot line. The Wachowski Siblings I think were high when they wrote why the prophecy was false.

Did we notice that the Oracle was a computer program, and no slouch of how important she is in the Matrix. She is the one that wants to bring true peace to both groups of people.

At the end of the day Morpheus, Neo, and the people of Zion would rather risk many humans’ lives for so called freedom, and the opportunity to exterminate innocent AI computer lives. The Oracle did not have to figure out a way for peace between the human and the computers, nor does the Architect have to live up to the peace agreement, at any time the computers can role over the humans.

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