Friday, January 8, 2010

Mucus evil and harmful, or Cute and Cuddly Refuges, trying to Rebuild

The Little Green Mucus Creature things in the Mucinex commercials are considered “harmful” and “bad.” We are told they bring harm to us and our families, which could be true, but look at these creatures closer, notice they are usually in a family grouping trying to set up a new home.

I understand the need defeating mucus so we don’t get sick and die, but did the Mucinex Company make them refuges. They are in a family, and looking for a new home. They are portrayed as a cultural group looking to get away from a terrible life, so they fled their home world, to land in a place, where the original owners want to commit genocide.

This set of commercials are not like the athlete foot commercials where the creatures they created were ugly, yellow, and rude and were tearing up our bodies. These are cute, funny little creatures that have a family.

The green bacteria is setting up home, like their old one was invaded and taken over by barbarians, and this commercial says, well, lets kick them while they are down, and finish the genocide.

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