Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Emperor Palpatine Universal Despot or Self Sacrificing Spiritual Leader

Emperor Palpatine, destroyer of worlds, the downfall of the Senate, the one and the only guy to sign the genocide of the Jedi, and even a bigot. Starting off I will not and cannot explain off the bigot part; I am not a miracle worker.

A lot say he is a villain, one of the worse in centuries. He sits on a throne planning, and scheming for power and when he gets it he still plans and schemes to keep it. I will show you that he was looking in the best interest of the galaxy.

First) Did Vader goes rouge? Was the all out destruction of Alderaan the Emperor’s fault or Vader’s going rouge? The Deathstar is the most perfect weapon out there to keep peace, and supposed to be tested on a moon or a desolate planet (one of these planets might have had bacteria that would of created an pandemic that would of killed millions). Sadly, Vader went rouge, blew up the planet and the Emperor gets the blame.

Second) The Jedi including the great and wonderful Yoda (which so happens sounds like Miss Piggy), could not peer into the future, that the future was cloudy. The Force (there divine creator that binds everything together) chose the Emperor at that time the Senator. When Senator Palpatine becomes the emperor that is divine willing. When the Jedi try to fight against the Emperor in the beginning (not at the end) this is against their divinity their own creator.

Third) The prophecy is the backbone of the Star Wars collection. The wanted the prophecy to be fulfilled. There ignorance and there oppression of the Sith, defaming their name as the “Dark” side led the Jedi into have a not deserved confidence that the prophecy was to propel them, to make them more powerful, so they can continue to strong the civilians of the Republic and the Sith. A clear-minded thinker (like my self) has to point out that what does it mean to bring balance.

There are two ways looking at it, just strictly by the numbers. There were more Jedi than the Sith, so there needed to be a way to neutralize the Jedi. Second, maybe with in the Jedi, they have lost there way, their own corruption there own lost of there innocence needed to be dealt with. By neutralizing the force, and bringing in new blood (Luke Skywalker) to train young Jedi. Either way the corruption of the old guard Jedi will be wiped out creating balance once again in the force.

When the Emperor grasped the reigns of power, it was just he and Darth Vader, making the Force even, what the prophecy demanded. Emperor was ticked off; mad, because of the Jedi defaming his religion. The Emperor was in his divine right, by actually coming up with the correct interpretation of the holy texts. The Emperor might have had to do some evil deeds, but it was for the greater good, as one of the more believed political philosophy books, The Prince, would point out. Emperor made it so the young blood of Luke and Leia would take over creating a foundation for a stronger and better Republic for the future, so we today can hear the histories from a galaxy far away.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Jason Vorhees is he a villian or a protector of the children?

This was by popular demand (at least in my head). This one isn't as nice and warm feeling like the Grinch. But the next one after this will be the Emperor.

Anyone that has watched the first Jason movie or any of the others knows the back-story, but refuses to think of him and his mother as heroes. Mrs. Vorhees is the first serial killer in Friday the 13th. We are supposed to feel sorry for all those young adults that end up dispatched by all sorts of means. In her mind that if the original camp counsels weren’t smoking up, drinking, and having premarital sex her mentally ill child would of not drown, the councilors would have been doing their job. So, she not only kills the two councils that were having the hanky panky, but more over the years. At the end of the first movie, viewers, find out Jason survived, (no one knows why, or that if the mother new about this) and there was some level where he watched his mother all those years, learning how to save humanity. Yes, he was insane, and he committed hannus actions becoming the jury, judge and executioner. I am only saying that there are deeper issues, which should be addressed.

First) Who were these young adults that ended up in front of his justice. They were drunkards, hippies (not the political kind, the I want pot kind), drugies, lots of sex people, and your ordinary ass hole. So pretty much the underdiserables of society. These unerdiserables would then mess up society in the future, mainly talking about killing some child because they were high or having sex.

Second) In the second movie; he does not bring his justice to all the councilors. He does it to the ones that where either underage drinking or smoking up, the ones that are punished and not allowed out, chose to have premateral sex, and drove home drunk from the bar. The characters that was good, that was smart, and did not endanger anyone else, such as children, was safe.

Third) Remember his mom was only preventing from other children from drowning just like Jason. Which in turn made a monster a lunatic mass murderer. So, Jason takes the preemptive fight, so there will not be another like him. Jason is saving society.

Fourth) He is doing it fore the children, so they can live a good life. In the forth movie a character named Tommy, first appears, and he is the only survivor. All the young adults die, the bounty hunter, his mom and his sister all die, but not him. Why? Because he is a child. Tommy ends up killing Jason, but in the sixth movie reawakens him, to make him a super entity. In that movie the camp is reopened. Once again most of the councilors were dispatched, but not one child was hurt. There is even a moment where he could have just had a buffet, but that isn't what happened, he simply walked away.

As you can see in these four points show that Jason is just a vilified super hero. Just like the Punisher a vigilante killing criminals, or like President Bush declaring preemptive bombings against future terrorists. The only difference between him and the Punisher is that these are future rapist, murders, robbers and all around thugs. And the only difference between President Bush and Jason is that Jason killed a lot less innocent people, with his preemptive strike (I can say this because I voted for him, and supported the preemptive war). So, I say that maybe we shouldn’t look at Jason as a evil man, but as justice, and as a person who speaks for children rights (Is he any worse than PETA?).

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Grinch was he the villian or was the town of Who-ville the villians?

Common thought is that the Grinch was changed after he saw the town of who-ville in the center of town singing and celebrating Christmas even though all their presents, decorations and food was taken over night.

Here is the truth.

First) Maybe, the reason why the Grinch was so grumpy because he hated what the who-ville citizens did to Christmas. They made it in to a corporate and consumerism culture, which he is against. Then over his 53 years of life he became disenchanted with the holiday and who-ville.

Second) Remember, he was living in a cave far up the mountain away from who-ville for a good amount of those years. The Grinch most likely when living in who-ville spoke out and protested against wasteful spending and consumerism. With this scenario or the truth (as I would call it) there are two obvious conclusions. One he was banished for his views for fighting against the norm, and second he chose a life of a hermit (or a grumpy saint) because he lost his will to live with a population that refuses to see how lost they really were.

Third) At the end of the story there is a transformation. The common thought is that the Grinch is transformed. I say this is not true, but it is the the citizens of Who-ville. The Grinch finally had enough of the wasteful spending and consumerism, so he became pro-active, and finally did something about it. So in the middle of the night he released what the Who-ville citizen's cared most about, which is their consumerism. The Grinch cleared all the junk out of the Who-ville citizens lives that didn't matter, and they capitalized (weird chose of word) on that. There eyes were opened for the first time in a long time. Then they broke out in the songs they new growing up as an admission of guilt and grace. This in turn opened up the heart of the Grinch, because his mission was complete.